Salsa & Friends Aalborg

Salsa & Friends Aalborg

Beskrivelse af klubben

Welcome to Salsa&Friends Dance School. We have no fixed location - please look up to find us. We organize parties and events all around Aalborg.

We meet for dance classes and indoor social. We often meet at the first floor of the fantastic place El Mundo!
The usual schedule is:

  • 18h30-19h30 very basic level, merengue, bachata and line salsa
  • 19h30-20h30 line salsa
  • 20h30-21h30 bachata
  • 21h30 social dancing

Price for the classes: 1 class is charged approx 60kr, the whole evening is approx 90kr.
We want many people warming up the floor and enjoying the events.



Instruktører og frivillige

Elsa, Michele



Stilarter og region

Region Nordjylland, Bachata, LA Style